Corn Hybrids

Latham Seeds produces high-quality corn hybrids with high-performing results
Latham offers the very best corn hybrid technology from Genuity® DroughtGard™ and SmartStax® to Agrisure®Artesian®, Leafy hybrids, and Conventionals. Our broad selection of hybrids range in relative maturity from 77 to 114 days and have excellent yield.
Compare our Corn Hybrids
Product Results
127 Results
100.00 RM- Proven tough hybrid with F.I.R.S.T. Trial wins
- Handles those tough, drought-prone soils
- Excellent stalks and very good roots
- Very good Gosss Wilt tolerance
LH 5034 AA
100.00 RM- Broad performance north or south of 100-day zone
- Excellent stalk and root with great fall intactness
- Vary the population to fit field potential
- Position in any productivity situation
100.00 RM- Tolerant to Goss’s Wilt and Grey Leaf Spot
- Girthy ear with deep kernels; nice test weight
- Very good end-of-season staygreen
- Does respond to high population
LH 5049 SS RIB
100.00 RM- SmartStax version of LH 5047 VT2 PRO
- Placed in the top of the 2019 MiniStrip test
- Helps build a great SmartStax package
- Responds well to higher populations
LH 5052 RR/LFY
100.00 RM- High tonnage silage hybrid
- Excellent stress tolerance extends harvest window
- Plant at lower populations to maximize true potential
- Big, girthy ears with deep kernels on a white cob
LH 5062 GT/LFY
100.00 RM- High-yielding silage hybrid
- Excellent stress tolerance extends harvest window
- Plant at lower populations to maximize true potential
- Big, girthy ears with deep kernels on a white cob
100.00 RM- Responds to top-end management
- Performs best east of U.S. Hwy 71
- Keep populations in mid-to-high range
- Moves north very well
100.00 RM- Proven hybrid with excellent standability
- Widely adaptable east to west
- Handles variable soils extremely well
- Very good late season intactness
LH 5120 CNV
101.00 RM- White cob conventional with strong roots
- Moves south very well, pairs well with LH 4930 and LH 5020
- Very good grain quality
- Long ear with very good flex
101.00 RM- Ideally suited all across Latham Country
- Long, slender ears with very good test weight
- Excellent stalks and very good roots
- Strong tolerance to most leaf diseases
LH 5159 SS RIB
101.00 RM- Girthy semi-flex ear with great kernel depth
- Excellent vigor to get it going in tougher conditions
- Very good stalks and great fall intactness
- Good disease tolerance and test weight; carries ASR trait
LH 5199 SS/LFY
101.00 RM- High yielding, full-season, SmartStax silage hybrid
- Excellent stress tolerance extends harvest window
- Plant at lower populations to maximize true potential
- Big, girthy ears with deep kernels on a white cob
LH 5200 CNV
102.00 RM- Brand new conventional star
- Sister to the popular LH 5400
- One of our highest yielding conventionals
- Good late-season intactness
LH 5209 DV EZR
102.00 RM- Duracade® trait offers multiple modes of action to control rootworm
- Very good stalks and excellent roots
- F.I.R.S.T. winner; moves south well as an early hybrid
- Strong Tar Spot tolerance
LH 5226 PCE RA
102.00 RM- High performing PowerCore®; plant anywhere!
- Great disease tolerance on medium-sized plant
- Flex in length ear style with kernel depth
- Plant ALL yield levels / use medium populations
LH 5242 RR
102.00 RM- Roundup version of LH 5245 VT2 PRO
- Terrific vigor for reduced tillage and early planting
- Semi-flex ear with excellent test weight grain
- Very good Goss’s Wilt tolerance
102.00 RM- Top seller with 13 F.I.R.S.T. wins
- Terrific vigor for early planting
- Semi-flex ear with excellent test weight grain
- Very good Gosss Wilt tolerance
LH 5249 SS RIB
102.00 RM- SmartStax verison of LH 5245 VT2 PRO
- Terrific vigor for reduced tillage and early planting
- Semi-flex ear with excellent test weight grain
- Very good Gosss Wilt tolerance
LH 5336 PCE
103.00 RM- Lead PCE hybrid with great disease ratings
- Long girthy ears with high test weight
- Late season staygreen/health
- Full season intactness
LH 5336 PCE RA
103.00 RM- Lead PCE hybrid with great disease ratings
- Long girthy ears with high test weight
- Late season staygreen/health
- Full season intactness
103.00 RM- Superstar hybrid with very good greensnap tolerance
- Handles “wet feet”
- Strong emergence and vigor for reduced tillage
- Moves south very well to I-80
LH 5389 SS RIB
103.00 RM- Great disease package; excellent Gosss Wilt tolerance
- Quick emergence and good early vigor
- Plant health and stress tolerance
- Excellent drydown and north-south movement
LH 5410 CNV
104.00 RM- The “Best in Class” Tar Spot choice
- New genetics
- A healthy product for the RM
- Keep north of the 104 RM zone
LH 5420 CNV
104.00 RM- Robust sized, large ear hybrid with impressive flex
- Great late-season intactness, health, husk cover
- Excellent in varying soils and yield levels
- Optimum performance at medium populations
104.00 RM- F.I.R.S.T. Trials champion
- Performs best at moderate populations
- Moves west very well; great Gosss Wilt tolerance
- Responds well to high fertility and foliar fungicide
LH 5495 3122 EZR
104.00 RM- Extremely dependable, even on the toughest of soils
- Excellent corn-on-corn option
- Works in every situation
- Tall hybrid; works well as grain or silage
105.00 RM- Consistent top-end performance at 105-day RM
- Nice all-around disease package
- Very good test weight and grain quality
- Widely adapted east to west
LR 5546 3220 EZR
105.00 RM- Performs best in zone and north
- Great fall intactness
- Higher populations lead to optimum yields
- Excellent tolerance to Gosss Wilt
LH 5556 PCE RA
105.00 RM- Powerhouse performance in PCE
- Excellent agronomics and fall intactness
- Great ear line, grain quality and test weight
- Wide range of soils and populations
LH 5556 PCE
105.00 RM- Powerhouse performance in PCE
- Excellent agronomics and fall intactness
- Great ear line, grain quality and test weight
- Wide range of soils and populations