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  • Starbuck, MN
  • Pope
  • 04/30/2020
  • F.I.R.S.T. Trial
CompanyHybrid/VarietyMaturityYield (AO)Income%MST (AM)RankPrev Crop
Augusta2545 95.0 185.5 $643.3116.3021Soybean
Renk SeedRK593VT2PRIB 97.0 177.6 $617.3416.1030Soybean
Golden HarvestG95M41 5122 EZR 95.0 181.6 $630.5216.2027Soybean
Rob-See-CoRC 4535 3110 95.0 178.9 $618.9916.5028Soybean
Federal4800 VT2PRIB 98.0 191.9 $662.4416.7013Soybean
Anderson Seed745SRC 97.0 185.4 $632.5817.7022Soybean
Latham Hi-Tech SeedsLH 4657 VT2 PRO RIB 96.0 200.7 $693.6216.604Soybean
Latham Hi-Tech SeedsLH 4669 SS RIB 96.0 203.9 $702.2316.903Soybean
Gold Country98-11R VT2 PRO RIB 98.0 184.1 $636.2516.6025Soybean
Gold Country97-75R2P 97.0 195.7 $678.6916.309Soybean
NKNK9738-5222-EZR 97.0 192.8 $660.1517.4011Soybean
EnestvedtE658DP RIB 96.0 194.0 $668.9116.8010Soybean
DahlmanR49-23VT2PRIB 15.6 188.6 $649.5416.9017Soybean
ProSeed1996 VT2PRIB 96.0 190.4 $655.7416.9016Soybean
Anderson Seed609R 98.0 185.4 $640.0016.7022Soybean
PioneerP 0075 Q 100.0 182.3 $618.3618.2026Soybean
Hefty SeedH4734SSRIB 97.0 185.9 $632.0618.0020Soybean
Gold Country97-14R SS RIB 97.0 190.9 $662.8016.2014Soybean
DahlmanR49-25VT2PRIB 98.0 206.0 $716.0616.101Soybean
Thunder SeedT6098 VT2P 98.0 186.9 $648.1716.3019Soybean
Integra4888 VT2PRIB 98.0 177.6 $618.7615.9030Soybean
ProSeed1998 VT2PRIB 192.9 190.7 $659.8216.5015Soybean
Federal4880 VT2PRIB 98.0 200.1 $696.3516.005Soybean
Federal4580 VT2P 95.0 199.6 $689.8216.606Soybean
Anderson Seed786VT2P 95.0 188.1 $652.3316.3018Soybean
EnestvedtE640DB RIB 94.0 196.6 $688.1015.107Soybean
Thunder SeedT6595 VT2P 95.0 184.7 $642.0216.1024Soybean
DahlmanR48-28VT2PRIB 95.0 192.0 $665.0916.4012Soybean
NorthstarNS 98-513 STXRIB 98.0 196.6 $682.6016.207Soybean
Integra4509 VT2PRIB 95.0 178.2 $614.4316.8029Soybean
Renk Seed568 VT2 PRO 94.0 205.7 $712.5416.402Soybean