Shoot the Turkey



  • ½ cup margarine
  • ½ cup lemon juice
  • ½ Tablespoon garlic juice
  • 1 Tablespoon salt
  • ½ cup water
  • ½ teaspoon Tabasco sauce
  • 1 (16 to 24 pound) whole turkey, fresh or frozen (thawed)



1. Wash hands.  Remove giblets and neck; reserve for stock or discard.

2. In medium saucepan melt the margarine.  Add the rest of the ingredients, except the turkey.  Heat to lukewarm.

3. Using an injector, inject marinade into all parts of the turkey.  Place turkey in large, turkey-sized plastic oven bag.  Wash hands.  Refrigerate overnight.

4. Place turkey, breast side up, on a wire roasting rack in shallow pan with approximately 2-inch sides.  Roast turkey in a preheated 325ºF. oven for 3 ¾ to 5 hours (depending on weight).

5. The turkey is done when the thermometer reaches 180ºF. in the deepest part of the thigh and 170ºF in the thickest part of the breast.

6. Remove turkey from oven.  Allow turkey to rest, covered, for 20 minutes before carving.

Make ahead tip:  Roast turkey 2 – 3 weeks in advance.  Shingle turkey slices in a shallow layer in a roasting pan.   Cover it with the reserved strained pan drippings and freeze it.  When ready to serve, reheat the turkey at 325º F. in an electric roaster for a couple of hours or until it reaches 165º F.


Recipe submitted by Rich Hogrefe in memory of Don Eaton, Albert City, Iowa.

Makes 16 – 24 servings (1 pound turkey per person)