Get superior results with Latham Seeds Premium Soybeans
Our story started with soybeans. More than 75 years later, we’re still delivering the best products and the best service straight to your farm.
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Product Results
77 Results
L 1442 E3
1.400 RM- Yield and ruggedness with excellent stress tolerance
- Superior IDC tolerance
- Bushy plant that works well in heavy soil
- Management required in known White Mold areas
L 1452 LLGT27
1.400 RM- Top-end yield with excellent standability
- Broad-acre adaptability across yield environments
- Moves well north and south of zone
- Very strong defensive package
L 1531 E3
1.500 RM- Extra performance gear across high yield environments
L 1558 E3
1.500 RM- Dominated yield trials across Latham Country
- Very strong emergence and standability
- Moves well south of its maturity zone
- Excellent defensive package with top-end yield
L 1648 LLGT27
1.600 RM- High yielder with strong emergence and standability
- Resistant to Brown Stem Rot
- Rps1-k gene for Phytophthora
- Very good scores for White Mold, Stress & IDC
L 1661 E3
1.600 RM- Peking source SCN with dual PRR genes
- Excellent IDC and White Mold tolerances
- Attractive plant type with excellent standability
- Medium-bush plant that works well in all row widths
L 1721 E3
1.700 RM- Ironclad variety with Peking source SCN
- Medium plus plant height with superior stress tolerance
- Excellent emergence and IDC tolerance
- Rps1k PRR gene with superior field tolerance
L 1758 E3
1.700 RM- Tremendous yields in 2020 Latham trials
- Rps1-k gene for Phytophthora
- Strong SCN protection from PI 88788
- Very good for White Mold and Iron Chlorosis
L 1784 XF
1.700 RM- Strong genetic background with L 1858 R2 as a parent
- Great SCN and IDC protection
- Resistant to Brown Stem Rot
- Moves south well to northern Iowa
L 1881 E3
1.800 RM- Peking source SCN with excellent branching
- Top-choice for variable soils
- Medium to medium-tall plant with excellent standability
- Rps1k PRR gene with above average field tolerance
L 1947 E3
1.900 RM- Versatile product with very good SDS tolerance
- Excellent emergence and standability
- This bean was named after the year Latham was founded
- Very strong IDC, SDS and White Mold scores
L 1948 R2X
1.900 RM- Awesome Phytopthora with Rps3-a + Rps1-a
- SCN resistance from PI 88788
- Excellent scores for IDC, White Mold and stress
- Resistant to Brown Stem Rot
L 1979 XF
1.900 RM- Chart topping performance north and south of zone
- Medium-tall plant with superior emergence
- Above average SDS tolerance with good branching
- Average White Mold and IDC tolerances
L 1995 E3
1.900 RM- Very popular soybean with excellent IDC; handles salts very well
- Rps1-c gene for Phytophthora
- Brown Stem Rot-resistant; very good against White Mold
- Outstanding emergence and standability
L 2011 E3
2.000 RM- Peking product that works across broad acres
- Medium-tall height and good standability
- #1 yield index in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin breakouts
L 2031 E3
2.000 RM- Peking source SCN with solid agronomics
- Rps1k PRR gene with excellent field tolerance
- Very good IDC and SDS tolerances
- Medium plant with upright branches
L 2049 E3
2.000 RM- Yield king in this maturity
- Rps1-k gene for Phytophthora
- Brown Stem Rot resistance; SCN resistance
- Good scores for White Mold, SDS, IDC and Charcoal Rot
L 2053 E3
2.000 RM- Dual PRR genes with very good field tolerance
- BSR gene with excellent IDC tolerance
- Medium-tall plant with excellent standability
- Seed treatment recommended in areas prone to SWM and SDS
L 2184 R2X
2.100 RM- Latham legend L 2084 R2 is a parent
- Rps1-c gene for Phytophthora
- Prefers lower seeding rates in high fertility soils
- Excellent tolerance to Brown Stem Rot and IDC
L 2193 E3
2.100 RM- Super strong soybean with 3a + 1c for Phytophthora!
- Resistant to Brown Stem Rot
- Very good SDS, emergence and standability
- IDC score confirms this line as Ironclad
L 2225 XF
2.200 RM- Medium-tall plant that is built for stress
- Rps1c PRR gene with very good field tolerance
- Excellent IDC, SWM and SDS tolerances
- Dependable standability
L 2261 E3
2.200 RM- Peking with a great plant style that covers the enitre 2.3 market
- Very good track record against PRR
- SDS + White mold showed up well in limited reps
- Great variety from I-90 to Highway 30
L 2262 E3
2.200 RM- Early Group 2 yield leader!
- Dual PRR genes with excellent field tolerance
- Above average White Mold and IDC tolerances
- Medium plant with excellent standability
L 2283 XF
2.200 RM- Strong XtendFlex® with Rps1-c gene for Phytophthora
- Excellent Brown Stem Rot tolerance
- Very strong emergence
- Also tolerant to Sulfonylurea herbicides
L 2295 R2X
2.200 RM- Top-yielding Latham Xtend® line over past three years!
- Performs best in high fertility soils
- Rps1-c gene for Phytophthora
- Excellent White Mold tolerance
L 2379 E3
2.300 RM- Beautiful, high yielding Enlist E3® IRONCLAD
- Resistant to Brown Stem Rot
- Very good against SDS, White Mold and IDC
- Replaces L 2429 E3 and L 2349 E3
L 2391 E3
2.300 RM- Ironclad variety with Peking SCN protection
- Fantastic standability and stress tolerance
- Dual PRR genes with superior field tolerance
- Excellent IDC, SWM and SDS tolerances
L 2404 XF
2.400 RM- Stable, consistent performance across all yield environments
- Medium-tall plant with excellent plant structure
- Rps1c phytopthora gene with very good field tolerance
- Average white mold and IDC tolerances
L 2458 E3
2.400 RM- Strong, high-yielding, new E3® soybean with K-gene!
- Resistant to Brown Stem Rot
- Also tolerant to Sulfonylurea herbicides
- Good scores for Frogeye, SDS and IDC
L 2494 XF
2.400 RM- Proven XF with tremendous emergence & early growth
- SCN tolerance from PI 88788
- Rps1-c gene for Phytophthora
- Also tolerant to Sulfonylurea herbicides