L 1721 E3
Product Overview
This Ironclad, Peking source SCN variety is a must plant in the late group one areas. The medium-tall plant height and excellent emergence give L 1721 E3 the edge in stress environments. Standability is no concern and excellent Iron Deficiency Chlorosis puts growers mind at ease throughout the entire growing season. The Rps1k Phytophthora Root Rot gene provides the cherry on top of L 1721 E3s defensive package.
Key Features
Hybrid Advantages
- Ironclad variety with Peking source SCN
- Medium plus plant height with superior stress tolerance
- Excellent emergence and IDC tolerance
- Rps1k PRR gene with superior field tolerance
Plant Characteristics
- Relative Maturity1.7
- Emergence1.5
- Plant HeightMedium Tall
- Plant TypeMedium
- Flower ColorPurple
- PubescenceGray
- Pod ColorTan
- Hilum ColorBuff
Defensive Characteristics & Disease Ratings
- SCN ResistancePeking
- Iron Chlorosis2.0
- Stress Tolerance1.5
- Phytophthora Root Rot1k, 1.5
- White Mold2.5
- Sudden Death2.5
Herbicide Tolerance
- No-Till Rating1.0