Michael Theis (pronounced “Tice”) joined the Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds team on June 13 as a regional sales manager (RSM) for Northeast Iowa.
“I am very excited to have Michael join our team,” says Latham® Sales Manager Amy Rohe. “He brings experience working alongside independent dealers to really understand their goals and is there every step of the way to put those goals into action. Michael has a strong knack for sales and business that will also be a great asset when working with our dealers.”
The youngest of six kids, Michael grew up on a family farm in North Central Iowa raising corn, soybeans and hogs. He knew from an early age that agriculture was his passion, and served as vice president and president of his local FFA chapter. He has fond memories of his grandfather teaching him how to repair and maintain equipment in the shop and around the family farm. To this day, Michael says his favorite time of the year is the spring planting season, and “getting the crop in the ground no matter the challenges Mother Nature presents.”
Michael followed two of his older brothers to Iowa State University, where he joined the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity and majored in Agriculture Studies. His first internship as a crop scout sealed his future: “I knew agronomy is what I wanted to focus on,” he says. Before joining Latham Seeds, Michael worked as a crop protection representative for Bayer CropScience in Illinois, and an agronomy sales advisor for a local co-op in Northeast Iowa.
“I am really looking forward to finding opportunities in the area to help growers maximize their ROI, and Latham Seeds adds value to farmers,” Michael says. “We have flexibility in our product lineup, and our people help growers in very specific areas across the Midwest – which most companies don’t deliver.”
He adds: “The family culture that Latham Seeds has instilled for employees and customers is very important to me. I am part of a company that has proven performance for 75 years, and is always looking to innovate to create solutions for growers.”
Michael and his wife, Rachel, were married in August 2018 – a wedding “strategically timed” so it didn’t interfere with any Iowa State football games. They welcomed their first child, Jaxson, just before Thanksgiving last year. When they’re not cheering on the Cyclones, Rachel likes to golf and Michael likes “attempting to golf” with her. He also loves helping out on the family farm, and looks forward to having Jaxson in the fields with him this fall.

Today Michael is sharing a favorite recipe that was always a treat growing up – especially since his family raised turkeys for many years. He asked his mom for the recipe because he loves it so much, and promises it is simple enough for a perfectly grilled meal.
Marinated Turkey
1 cup 7-Up (can use Sprite)
1 cup vegetable oil
1 cup Kikkoman soy sauce (if you use a different brand, use ½ C soy sauce)
Garlic and Salt to taste
(Makes 1 quart marinade)
Remove skin and bones from turkey breast. Season and slice into about 1 inch steaks.
Marinate turkey at least 24 hours but no more than 48 hours.
Grill on low heat 10 minutes; turn and grill 10 more minutes.
Turkey is done when white all the way through.
Note: To use this recipe for dark meat, just change the 7-Up for dark pop like Coke/Pepsi!