
Corn Hybrids

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Latham Seeds produces high-quality corn hybrids with high-performing results

Latham offers the very best corn hybrid technology from Genuity® DroughtGard™ and SmartStax® to Agrisure®Artesian®, Leafy hybrids, and Conventionals. Our broad selection of hybrids range in relative maturity from 77 to 114 days and have excellent yield.

Compare our Corn Hybrids

127 Results

  • LH 5095 VT2 PRO RIB

    • Proven hybrid with excellent standability
    • Widely adaptable east to west
    • Handles variable soils extremely well
    • Very good late season intactness
  • LH 4519 SS RIB

    • SmartStax® version of LH 4517 VT2 PRO
    • Semi-flex ear with excellent test weight
    • Excellent emergence and early vigor
    • Medium-tall plant; good dual-purpose hybrid
  • LH 4540 CNV/LFY

    • Hybrid expresses native drought tolerance
    • Pink cob hybrid with huge ears
    • Tremendous staygreen
    • Also available as a GT/LFY hybrid
  • LH 3117 VT2 PRO RIB

    • Flowers early for maturity yet performs best when used as a full season ybrid
    • Late season plant health extends the harvest window
    • High yields across most environments
    • Shorter plant height with heavy test weight grain
  • LH 3155 VT2 PRO RIB

  • LH 3647 VT2 PRO RIB

    • Performs well across all yield enviroments
    • Adapts well to variable populations
    • Excellent roots and drydown
    • Red River Valley powerhouse hybrid
  • LH 2930 CNV

    • High-yielding, early conventional dent hybrid
    • Excels on all soil types and environments
    • Complete husk cover that flares open for faster drydown
    • Taller plant structure with excellent stalks